5G for Smart Cities

Cities are the hub of business and they are integral to the growth of the country. As India grows, we are seeing rapid development in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. To meet the needs of this growing population in urban areas, there is a greater need for cities to become smarter.

By including 5G connectivity as part of urban planning, city municipalities can keep better track of projects across the city, improve safety and help the city run more efficiently overall.

5G powered smart cities use cases

Public safety and security

Public safety and security

Video surveillance will become more effective with 5G, by providing real-time information to relevant authorities. Surveillance cameras also record high-definition video because 5G enables faster data transfers. Law enforcement officers and first responders from the police force, fire department and emergency health services can get immediate updates through smart sensors deployed intelligently. And capabilities like AI can be used to analyses situations quickly and shorten response time.
Public transport

Public transport

As cities grow the problem of traffic snarls becomes all too common. 5G enables technologies that can reduce traffic congestion and make daily commutes easier. 5G-enabled traffic signals can collect data from cameras and sensors across the city. Using AI it can make decisions on directing the flow of traffic in the quickest way possible. Overcrowding in public transport can also be reduced, by providing passengers with real-time updates on schedules and delays, along with the best routes and vehicles.
Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Cities are often the business hub and need energy round-the-clock. 5G can enable cities to become more energy-efficient because of the ability to connect multiple devices on a single connection. With the use of connected devices buildings and industries can control their energy consumption. Using data analytics and automation, buildings and industries can monitor and operate their processes in the most efficient way to reduce costs and become sustainable.
Waste management

Waste management

Waste management including collection, segregation and disposal is a key area of concern for cities everywhere. With 5G-enabled waste management systems these processes can be streamlined and improved. Using IoT sensors on garbage bins can alert garbage trucks on which bin is full and needs to be emptied. They can also get data on what contents are being dumped in the bin and segregate them accordingly. Using AI to sort waste will also speed up the recycling process by sorting waste quicker.

Insightful resources

Learn more on 5G technology through case studies, whitepapers and latest updates.
5G for smart cities
Use Case

5G for smart cities

Standalone architecture for True 5G experience

Standalone architecture for True 5G experience

Accelerate SMB's growth with True 5G

Accelerate SMB's growth with True 5G

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