5G for Retail

5G can be instrumental in bridging the gap between online and offline shopping experience. It can provide in-store shoppers with the same personalized service as experienced online. 5G capabilities are the key to creating smart stores, where you can give your shoppers unprecedented convenience. Furthermore, smart stores are positioned to collect invaluable customer data for store owners which can vastly improve target marketing and provide customers with relevant and useful information.

5G powered retail use cases

Ease of buying

Ease of buying

Mixed reality consisting of AR and VR technologies, supported on a 5G network will allow customers to virtually try on a variety of outfits in 3D without actually having to change multiple times. With smart carts or self-checkout kiosks customers can complete their transactions without needing to wait in line. Paying through an app or by swiping a credit card can also save time and add convenience to the shopping experience. Further to this, customers also get a contactless checkout that help save time and increase convenience for the customer.
Inventory management

Inventory management

5G-enabled smart sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized inventory management in stores. Imagine a store with smart sensors on all its shelves that track the number of items on shelves and alert a control center to restock the shelves, when numbers are running low. This data can also be used to keep track of stored inventory so that suppliers can be contacted for fresh stocks as and when required.
Digital communication

Digital communication

Have you ever had a customer complain that they can’t find a certain product in your store? With 5G-powered edge computing, you can now provide customers with a layout of your store with reference to where they are standing. The display that appears on their phone screen also directs where products are located and maps out the fastest route to reach them. Furthermore, information kiosks within the store can provide customers with any additional information they require including prices, special offers, and even best before dates. Smart signage and billboards can keep your store forefront in your customers’ minds even when they are not in the store.
Faster deliveries

Faster deliveries

The final step in bridging the gap between online and offline shopping is providing customers with the convenience of shopping from anywhere. Giving customers remote access to your store via your website or online app gives them the option to buy from you even if they can’t physically come to the store. With the help of 5G your online store can service multiple customers at the same time without experiencing any lags or delays. An additional advantage the 5G brings is delivery drones that can quickly and reliably deliver packages to your customers, especially in remote areas.

Insightful resources

Learn more on 5G technology through case studies, whitepapers and latest updates.
5G for retail
Use Case

5G for retail

Standalone architecture for True 5G experience

Standalone architecture for True 5G experience

Accelerate SMB's growth with True 5G

Accelerate SMB's growth with True 5G

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